Monday, January 7, 2013

long hiatus

I have abandoned this blog more or less... i will try to make up for it this year...

what can i say that i haven't already said before?

  • you have stopped being cranky and whiny when i am in the loo. i open the door, tell you to wait and you wait outside, for 30 seconds or more, until you try your luck again!
  • you go with gangaram for your walk sometimes when i can't take you. If i am around and yet send you with him because i am busy or have guests, i have to handover your leash at the door and shut it quickly else you look at me woefully. Its heartbreaking.
  • i still haven't left you overnight with anyone. i need to do it soon. 
  • you ate so much palaharam during christmas that you have put on weight. My friend N was harassing both of us so much, that I have increased your run/ walk/ play times
  • your morning walks are without the leash. have been doing this for the last 4 months. you walk ahead, then turn back to check if i am around. 
  • your 'vocabulary' has increased to include - 
    • this side
    • come back
    • go back
    • daddy
    • renuka
    • aruna
    • gangaram
    • lets go for a walk
    • where is the car?
  • you still want to greet everyone who walks through the door with a cushion in your mouth!