Friday, April 27, 2012

Separation and Reunions

My Dearest much i love you... and how proud i am of you.... and very grateful to the two people who complete our lives... J & B. K's dad turned 70 a few days ago and they'd planned this trip to this place i hadnt even heard of to perform a pooja and get married all over again (cute! i know!). so calls were made, talks were had and i found what i thought was the perfect place for you to stay while we would be gone for a few days. A pet homestay that an old friend has started and she like me, looks after the pets like they are people... they are allowed access to all parts of the house and play etc. So i breathed easy and planned everything, tickets were booked and we were on a roll. Until i called her to confirm dates and she said she cannot accomodate you because she was booked fully. I was stunned. I did not have a plan B and so K and I went back and forth about how we were to deal with this.... we called a few places and were not happy as most places chain the dogs up.... you start whining when chained even for a few minutes when we are around... so that was not an option.....

With the date for departure looming large, and the personal stakes being so high, opting out was not really an option... so i turned to a standing offer from my generous friends B and J who before you, would not even be in the same room as a dog, leave alone be comfortable with one. they are the ones who have fallen head over heels in love with you(who hasnt?) and pet you and pamper you when they visit... which is weekly and you were taken first to their house before we brought you home... so you get the picture? J has always said that he would care for you if we needed to travel for a few days and while its always generous to have an offer like that, i never thought i would have to cash in on it so soon.

one thing about them, they cant say no to us... and so when i asked, the response was the affirmative.... I asked them to move into our house, so that the place remains familiar and the maid can come in to make your food would be in your own home and atleast that familiarity would comfort you....we needed to be out for a week, but cut it short to two nights to make it easier on everyone else....

I talked to you for a few days telling you i would be going to office etc....preparing you and hoping you would understand what i was saying....On the day we had to leave, we took you on your walk and fed you so that you wouldnt be upset and refuse your food later, K left the house half an hour earlier like he was going to office, as he couldnt bear to see you confused... when i left the house, you had your usual "mommy is leaving" sad face, but i walked briskly and was gone.....

for the next few hours, it was tough to swallow the lump in my throat... i had no doubt that J&B would spoil you silly and care for you well....i was worried what you may feel? abandoned? confused? angry? sad? would you think we were not coming back? i resisted calling and you seemed to be doing fine... J had taken leave for two days to be with you completely. it is a debt i can never repay.... he didnt need to do that..but he the evening, you were fed and walked and played with and everyone was settling when you began to bite and attack them at sleeptime...they made an sos not knowing what was happening and i said you may be hungry... once you were fed and walked, you slept....

the next day was better, you apparently stopped sulking and accepted your lot....all was well and despite not having slept the last three nights, debilating heat, over 50 namaskarams to be done while bending and kneeling and wearing a heavy kancheepuram pattu saree, i couldnt wait to tear out of bed at 3.30 a.m and get dressed to catch the 7 a.m flight back. on the way back, i would have thrown up out of anxiety....

nothing prepared me for your reception.... you did the usual i am happy to see you routine... a few licks, picked up a cushion and walked around... and then, decided you wanted to punish me for leaving went and sat by J's side and refused to even come to me for more than half an say i was heartbroken would be putting it mildly.... but i allowed you your time.... you went to K and licked him and jumped at him and loved him....ignoring me all the time... looking at me with hurtful eyes...when you were done being angry you came to me, put your head in my lap and licked me....i embraced you and hugged you till i think i'd have cracked your ribs.... you sat by my side the rest of the day, slept next to me in the afternoon and wanted to be walked and petted and talked the evening, everything was forgotten and you loved me just as much again... everything was happy and shiny.

you were a trooper... J and B have shown why they are who they are... and i am grateful....for them as i am for you....

love... me

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Right after i get my toe nail pulled out....

My dear dear Sage, for the last 2 weeks you have been so upset with your schedule and wondering why i dont love you like before.... the thing is, 2 weeks ago, after a hectic weekend and Monday afternoon high summer shopping trip, i was down like a dead duck with a heat stroke. that resulted in my being out of action for three days. i somehow managed to drag my ass out of bed to walk you about three times a day and then for a couple of days just couldn't even get out of bed. that's when K had to step in and you didn't like it one bit. i don't know why you like to break his heart like that? he loves you more than i do you know....but you refuse to walk with him when he takes you alone and it makes him very sad. you sit on dharna at least a couple of times hoping i will emerge from behind to take your leash and when you are truly desperate, that's the only time you will go with him. it makes him sad, makes me sad too...

just as i was getting better from the heat stroke, on an evening walk, the dust-storm that blew a lot of debris around made you go crazy and run about madly because there were so many flying objects to catch. there were 10 odd kids trailing you and i was very worried that in the collective hyperactive state, someone would get hurt and its not polite to reign in the kids, so i tried to reign you in. between the children and you and me, i am not quite clear what happened, but i fell and jammed my left foot and before i could realise where the shooting pain was coming from, i had your leash firmly in my hands. i looked down and knew it wasn't pretty. lets just say there was a lot of blood and a nail that was precariously hanging onto its bed involved. as i hobbled upstairs with you on the leash, i knew this needed medical aide. a few painful attempts to remove the painfully bloody nail failed and then i called my doctor who wanted me to come in and see the surgeon as he suspected the nail would have to be surgically removed. evening time traffic and all meant i had to wait an hour for K to come home, ferry me to the doctor as the attempt to drive myself ended badly. lets just say a lot of pain was involved, i came home to rest an hour later. 

so for the last few days, i have been unable to put my weight fully on my left foot and the way i walk is hardly conducive to walk or play with you. the result of which is you have been giving K a miserable time. he always feels you aren't comfortable enough, he doesn't know how to deal with the various dog friends you have and most of all, you refuse to budge a couple of times, even running back and sitting poignantly in front of the lift. why are you doing this? you are perfectly happy to play with him and beg him for food or other treats. he is the one who gets you all your toys and washes your paws when we bathe you. he is the one who never raises his voice at you and always appeals for mercy when i punish you. you love it when the both of us walk you, but not K alone? still you give him such a hard time on the walks that i am unable to take with you? why sage?

i had to push myself to walk all the four times yesterday when you refused to go. my foot hurts, but i have no other choice. one part of me wants to go all awwww my dog loves me... the other part worries about how you will manage when i have to leave you for a small period of time to travel. 

you have been a sweetheart and agree to be locked up for 9 hours when we step out for work, now be an angel and go on your walks with K as well. Please darling? i am asking nicely...

love, me