Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who is teaching you this stuff?

I have a feeling K is clandestinely teaching you stuff that annoyed him about me... you've picked up some annoying behaviour off late.

  • you hate the camera and cant sit still, unless you are sleeping, just like K. when i aim the camera at you, you just lunge forward for it.
  • you hate my talking on the phone or using the laptop. you try to pry the phone out of my hands, or jump at me for a bit if i am at the laptop. 
Its getting a little chill in the mornings, so i got out my favourite powder blue shawl to cover up for our morning walks. but you have decided, you need it more than me, either to chew on or to make a pile and sit on. here is a picture of you in action

you also claim anything i need as your own, my towel before i head for a bath or like my slipper that had to be your headrest....

1 comment:

  1. Awww... thats just Sage's way of telling you that he wants to have a bit of you around all the time. He looks sooooo adorable here ya! :)
