Thursday, October 27, 2011

what kind of a dog are you?

Seriously? i am tempted to ask of you as we wrap up Diwali. For a puppy that ran to the next room when the TV was switched on in the first few weeks you were brought home out of fright from the standing next to a flower pot and wanting to eat it...barking at lakshmi bombs and flopping down to sleep a midst hydrogen bombs....i really wondered over the last few days if you were deaf.

it was business as usual tho and you were the only dog that stood a few feet away from K as he lit the crackers (we got mostly the aerial stuff) and were most annoyed that i didnt take you along while i lit a few rockets. the deafening sounds around you hardly bothered you and for that i am eternally grateful. i know cindy made amma's life miserable and Happy had such a tough time with the noisy crackers. so i am really saluting you here.

I started the festive season by giving away all the diyas, cos knowing you, i was sure you would try to lick the oil and eat the flames of the lamps. i also knew i would not have to do the rangoli and risk you having multicoloured potty the next day not to mention maybe poisonous rangoli powders.

we were ready to head out to the IL's place when you decided you wanted to pee and then sit on it...i yelled at you cos i had just bathed and then took you in for a bath and had another one myself.... we reached the IL's place and you have now settled into a nice routine where you know what not to do and where not (read pooja room) not to venture....

the whole day you refused to eat your thayir sadam cos you knew there was better stuff such as ribbon pakodi, mysore pak, laddu and balushahi. you settled down with some pappadaam and gulped a few hot crisp dosas, but refused thaiyr sadam. you are thoroughly spoilt there. there are about 4-5 kids in your fan club, ably managed by Pooja and they wait for you to come down to play although most of them are scared oblige them with licks, patiently sitting while they pet you and offer you food in the palms of their hands....

after the Il's we got back home. K was really unwell and you were tired, we thought we'd skip B&J's house. but we bucked up, picked you up from your sleep and drove over. you behaved for an hour, made two trips downstairs...and then suddenly decided that you'd had enough and ensured we drove you back home, ending our evening quite abruptly.

the next few days till the carpet of scrap paper that came out of all the crackers was what delighted you and you chased after the piles, chewed on large mouthfuls of it and generally had a ball of a diwali.

I know how tough it can be to have a pet during diwali. i have seen all of mine shiver and suffer with the blasted noise. one reason why i have always hated crackers has been i am grateful that you chose to take it all in your stride.... many ummas for that my chammathu.

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