Monday, January 6, 2020

Giant squirrel

Like a bushy tailed red squirrel that I have seen only in photos, you jumped onto the freshly made bed and slept. Daddy was working late and so it was just you and me, we finished our post dinner walk and then I wanted to sit down to work and you had to have a spot on the white bed linen. 

Sunday, January 5, 2020


We sat under the neem tree on the steps of Sagar's house. There was utter pandemonium this morning because good friends and sisters, Quin and Zizu got into a glorious fight and they had to be physically separated and daddy went to do it like a hero and got nicely and badly bitten. Some say it was Quin and some say Zizu no one actually knew what was happening.

I dressed his wound and tied a bandage and you had no clue what the commotion was all about. Quin was roaming free and trying to snuggle and apologise and Zizu was isolated in her cage.

There were some guests as a leftover of the party Sagar's niece had on Saturday and so we sat under the tree where I finally had a cold glass of beer and you slept.

Today is day 8 of being in the farm and I have severe anxiety over the week/ month and year ahead. What with it being the new year and everyone is seemingly better prepared for the year with resolves and resolutions and plans for a better more productive year.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


There's a pigeon nest in the bathroom ventilator and there are pigeon chicks that have hatched. So today these two decided they just have to have a looks

doesn't matter that I was on the pot.... the count of heads when I am in the loo is now 3, you sit with a pillow and they just stand at the door

Friday, January 3, 2020

Daddy's pet

How majestic you look! Daddy had a busy couple of days with the harvesting of the tur dal. This morning after breakfast tho you sat with him while he had his smoke and coffee

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Occupying Spaces

When Jaybabu left, we didn't immediately remove the mattress. Today you occupied it like a little squatter